The Sequence of electronic service quality on customer satisfaction
Theoretical study
This study investigates the impact of electronic service quality dimensions on customers’ satisfaction. Finding indicates that customers are satisfied in three dimensions: information, ease of use and security/privacy while they answer with “Neutral” for the other dimensions: design, reliability and interactivity/personalization which in turns did affect the overall satisfaction. Furthermore, the recommendations of this research were as follows:
Organization should give more attention to its e-service quality especially in the three dimensions which did not meet its customer’s expectation which are: interactivity/personalization, design and reliability.
However, as the users become more mature, they know exactly what they expect to be e-service quality factors. Therefore, It will be valuable to find out the solutions to reduce failures in firm electronic service quality and fill the gap between what is perceived by the customers view through in depth qualitative inquiry. The solution will include the integration of internal functional departments and external integrations of channel. Nowadays, called customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management have become the main factors.
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