Use of the cellular and internet of elderly persons participating in the program of sport and health in the municipality of Dois Irmãos, Brazil
Elderly, Gerontechnology, Successful Aging, gerontecnologyAbstract
The communicative, informative, leisure, entertainment and utilitarian variables are sources of cultural and social opportunities in improving the quality of life in the context of successful aging. The purpose of the study was to analyze the sociodemographic characteristics and adoption of communication and information technologies through the use of cell phones and access to the Internet linked to the daily life of elderly people who participate in the Sport and Health in the Best Age Program in the municipality of Dois Irmãos, RS . The method presents a quantitative and descriptive cross-sectional design. The study sample consisted of 35 elderly people of both sexes, who regularly attend the activities of gymnastics and volleyball adapted for the elderly, promoted by the Program. The results concerning the use of the Internet in the group investigated reveal a considerable percentage of elderly people who do not have access to the Internet through the cellular apparatus and use the tool to connect and receive calls and eventually send text messages. However, the experiences identified by the study participants revealed the involvement of 57.6% of the age group with the use of the Internet in the mobile device as a source of opportunities to improve the level of family and social interaction conditions, optimize free time and promote cognitive stimulation. We conclude that these experiences provide better cognitive performance. The elderly have the possibility to stimulate memory, build and improve knowledge and promote life habits that contribute to successful aging.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Anna Regina Grings Barcelos, Asterio Luis Mombach, Yasmin Daniele Garcia, Márcio Slaviero, Raquel Maria Rossi Wosiack, Dra. Geraldine Alves dos Santos

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