Resilience Strategies for Successful Aging


  • Geraldine Alves dos Santos, Profa. Dra. Universidade Feevale, Brazil
  • Raquel Maria Rossi Wosiack, Dra. Universidade Feevale, Brazil
  • Andrea Varisco Dani, Esp. Universidade Feevale, Brazil
  • Victória Haas Masiero Universidade Feevale, Brazil
  • Kélen Lord Kleemann Universidade Feevale, Brazil
  • Jacinta Sidegum Renner, Profa. Dra. Universidade Feevale, Brazil
  • Gilson Luis da Cunha, Dr. Universidade Feevale, Brazil



Resilience, SOC, Successful aging


The objective of this research was to analyze the strategies resilience and SOC (selection, optimization and compensation) in elderly residents of Ivoti/Brazil. The methodology used was quantitative and descriptive. Participated in the study 193 people aged 60-79 years living in the city of Ivoti. The instruments used were the Resilience Scale and the Inventory SOC. It was found that the participants scored on scale high resilience and the SOC strategy used mostly was the selection for loss, followed by compensation. There was no significant difference in the use of strategies by men or women, or in relation to age groups 60-69 years and 70-79 years. The conclusion was that to be resilient may be a necessary factor for successful aging materializes.


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Author Biographies

  • Geraldine Alves dos Santos, Profa. Dra., Universidade Feevale, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Raquel Maria Rossi Wosiack, Dra., Universidade Feevale, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Andrea Varisco Dani, Esp., Universidade Feevale, Brazil

    Body, Movement and Health Research Group

  • Victória Haas Masiero, Universidade Feevale, Brazil

    Body, Movement and Health Research Group

  • Kélen Lord Kleemann, Universidade Feevale, Brazil

    Body, Movement and Health Research Group

  • Jacinta Sidegum Renner, Profa. Dra., Universidade Feevale, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Gilson Luis da Cunha, Dr., Universidade Feevale, Brazil

    Postgraduate Program Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion


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How to Cite

Santos, G. A. dos, Wosiack, R. M. R., Dani, A. V., Masiero, V. H., Kleemann, K. L., Renner, J. S., & da Cunha, G. L. (2018). Resilience Strategies for Successful Aging. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 6(9), 91-103.

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