Reading habit during the successful aging process




Successful aging, Lifespan development, Reading


The increase in the elderly population brings a reflection on successful aging. Thus, beneficial aspects during this phase are analyzed. This study aimed to analyze the forms of influence of the reading habit for the promotion of successful aging, relating the readings performed with the periods of the development process throughout life. The study presents a qualitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional design. This study sample was composed of seven women who participated in this research, aged 60 years, or over, intentionally selected through the snowball technique. The criterion for inclusion in the study was to have the habit of reading throughout the life cycle. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview script. The analysis was performed using the Bardin content analysis method. From the results, it was possible to identify the habit of reading as a great ally, working as a tool for coping with difficulties. In aging, reading occurs naturally, showing its importance throughout life. Among the interviewees, it was possible to identify, despite their unique stories, that parents have a strong influence on an individual reader's formation. It comes to solidify when the school reinforces it in adolescence. The experience of aging is unique, that is, subjective, and reading can serve all people in different ways. Consequently, this habit enables learning to overcome difficulties in each phase, providing a conscious and autonomous experience of aging, retirement, and body changes, looking for ways to live healthier, taking advantage of their individual potential. 


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Author Biographies

  • Caroline Fagundes, Universidade Feevale

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Cesar Augusto Kampff, Universidade Feevale

    Master in Psychology

  • Elizangela Halinski Cardoso , Universidade Feevale

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Marcele Medina Silveira , Universidade Feevale

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Martina Dillenburg Scur, Universidade Feevale

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Rosane Barbosa , Universidade Feevale

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Geraldine Alves dos Santos, Universidade Feevale

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion. Master in Psychology.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Antunes, D. C. ., Fagundes, C., Kampff, C. A. ., Halinski Cardoso , E., Medina Silveira , M. ., Dillenburg Scur, M., Barbosa , R. ., & Santos, G. A. dos. (2021). Reading habit during the successful aging process. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(11), 566-578.
Received 2021-10-16
Accepted 2021-11-03
Published 2021-11-01

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