Pressure ulcers

representation of life and death for wheelchair users


  • Bruna Henkel Ferro Feevale University
  • Jacinta Sidegun Renner Feevale University
  • Michele Barth Feevale University
  • Eliane Fátima Manfio Feevale University
  • Geraldine Alves dos Santos Universidade Feevale



pressure ulcers, fear, death, wheelchair users


Pressure ulcers can significantly affect the quality of life and social inclusion of wheelchair users, in addition to delaying the rehabilitation process and compromising the health-disease process. The aim of this study is to analyze the representation of pressure ulcers in the perception of life/death for wheelchair users. The methodological design of this research is applied, descriptive and participatory, with analysis and discussion of data under a qualitative paradigm. Seven collaborators who are wheelchair users of the Association of Spinal Cord Injuries in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil (LEME) participated in the interviews. Data analysis was performed by using data categorization and triangulation. The results show the negative impact pressure ulcers have on users’ health and social inclusion. The fear of appearance of pressure ulcers and the associated possibility of death, overlaps other situations that may result from the condition of being a wheelchair user. Users are aware that injuries associated with a bacterial infection can lead to death. The need for constant care and dressings, in addition to the body’s own odor, become important limitations in social life. The importance of the prevention of pressure ulcers is emphasized as a way to promote social inclusion and physical and emotional well-being of users.


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Author Biographies

  • Bruna Henkel Ferro, Feevale University

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Jacinta Sidegun Renner, Feevale University

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Michele Barth, Feevale University

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion

  • Eliane Fátima Manfio, Feevale University

    Physical Education College

  • Geraldine Alves dos Santos, Universidade Feevale

    Graduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion


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How to Cite

Henkel Ferro, B. ., Sidegun Renner, J., Barth, M. ., Manfio, E. F. ., & Santos, G. A. dos. (2020). Pressure ulcers: representation of life and death for wheelchair users. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(9), 47-57.
Received 2020-06-19
Accepted 2020-07-18
Published 2020-09-01

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