Management of Carbon Sequestration by Identification of Soil Limitation Factors That Affect Plants Growing
Sequestration, Gypsisol, Calcic, Acidic, Halophytes, GypsophytesAbstract
Organic matter plays an important role in many soil properties. So it is necessary to identify management systems which maintain or increase its concentrations. Different types of soil with its cover plants have different potential in carbon sequestration. For this goal, four sites with different soils (Saline soil, Gypsisol, Calcic soil, Forest Acidic soil) and their vegetation have been studied. In each sites, 12 to 15 points were sampled and analyzed some relative factors that reflect crucial characteristics of each soil. The results show that EC, gypsum and lime are limited factors in arid and semi-arid sites and only tolerant plant as Halophytes and Gypsophytes can be stable. Also, in forest site, soil acidic condition shows limiting for plants growth more than climatic factors. But the amount of growing plants in arid and semi-arid sites depends on climatic factors Mostly. Therefore, identification of limitation factors of soil for different ecosystems can be help to manage their vegetation cover that adjusted the different soil conditions for carbon stocks.
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