Aflatoxin detection on direction of the 4.0 age at 3.0 costs
Agriculture 4.0, Remote Sensing, Peanut Culture, AflatoxinAbstract
Articulate the most diverse and sophisticated technologies, such as Remote Sensing, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, 3D Printing, among others, is part of universe 4.0, whether industrial or agricultural. Focusing on agricultural context, this paper proposes a low-cost 4.0 device to perform the monitoring and control of certain environmental variables for the detection of aflatoxins in peanut crops. Aflatoxins are toxic metabolite of fungi genus Aspergillus that can cause toxic and carcinogenic effects in humans and animals. The device developed was able to monitor temperature and humidity variations helping the aflatoxins identification. The equipment portability allows its use in silos with encapsulation via Additive Manufacturing, besides the aflatoxin prediction from Machine Learning algorithms.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Mariana Matulovic, Flávio José de Oliveira Morais, Angela Vacaro de Souza, Cleber Aalexandre de Amorim, Luiz Fernando Sommaggio Coletta

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