Cultivating a Community of Truth Through Critical Pedagogy When Faced with Resistance
Teaching My Gender Students How to “Ride the Bus”
Critical pedagogy, teaching, gender, fear, Paulo Friere, Parker PalmerAbstract
This essay will identify how the authors confronted a community of resistance in a Gender and Communication classroom and turned it into a community of truth and tolerance. Working from a theoretical framework of Critical Pedagogy and the work of Parker Palmer, the authors will explore how the classroom is often seen as a culture of fear and disrespect. This culture of fear needs to be confronted by identifying a community of truth as found in two different models of truth. After exploring how to achieve a community of truth when faced with resistance, the authors will explain in great detail the application of a metaphor about “riding the bus” and how this metaphor has sustained them when faced with resistance.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Kevin T. Jones, Carol Brazo

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