Wave Propagation Technology in Non-destructive assays for Wood Qualifying in Tropical Amazon
Non-destructive Testing, Pulse tomography, Tree tomography, Wood quality, mazonian Wood varietiesAbstract
Non-destructive tests use techniques which allow a body to be evaluated without changing its physical, mechanical and dimensional features and without compromising its future use. Impulse tomography analysis is a non-destructive method which allows a piece of wood to be analyzed by passing mechanical waves through it, allowing researchers to evaluate its qualities in advance and detect the presence of defects. This research reports the assessment of the efficiency of impulse tomography as a technique for identifying defects and the in situ evaluation of tree wood from Amazonian timber species. The data were collected at INPA's Tropical Forestry Experimental Station (ZF-2), located at BR 174, Manaus/AM, in a plot 1 (one) hectare in size, where 7 species were chosen at random. For evaluation, the ARBOTOM pulse tomograph at DAP (diameter at breast height) was used to rapidly capture cross sectional images of the wood. Next, the trees were cut to evaluate cross sections of the wood by eye and samples were taken to determine the density of the wood. The results enabled researchers to detect the presence of distinct zones in the wood by varying the mechanical wave speed indicated by various colour zones revealed in the X-ray. These colour differences are attributable to variations in density related to the different wood substances in the tree. It was found that the wood density and mechanical wave velocity correlated with R² 0.647. The dynamic elastic modulus of the species studied was satisfactory, showing a good degree of resistance. Impulse tomography technique provides complete information and can assist forest managers to make a decision about tree felling that is guided by the assessment of the internal quality of the wood.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Sámia Valéria dos Santos Barros, Niro Higuchi, Claudete Catanhede do Nascimento, Roberto Daniel de Araújo, Flávio de São Pedro Filho
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