Ecodesign in the use of the Amazonian Peãozinho wood for making an eco-efficient product
Amazonian wood, Ecodesign, Eco-efficient product, Forest management, Micrandopsis scleroxylon W. RodrAbstract
In the midst of the current logging scenario and the growing concerns and actions in favor of preserving the environment, research related to the insertion of new tree species in the market and about the design of products with low environmental impact are of paramount importance for the development of forest management and product design activities. Thus, The holistic view, which includes everything from the extraction of the raw material to the final disposal of the product, guided this research in order to show the technological potential of the species Micrandopsis scleroxylon W. Rodr. through machining and validation processes by making an eco-efficient product. The methodology adopted was: survey of the demand, designing of the concept, definition of the function, generation and materialization of alternatives, tests and refinements and presentation of the final solution. The results obtained in the process of machining the wooden material of the species were excellent throughout the process. It is believed that the approach inherent to small diameter trees, for the benefit of forest management, provides the understanding that it is possible to make use of them in the manufacture of the most varied wooden artifacts. Contributing to further research on Little Known Species.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Geislayne Mendonça Silva, Claudete Catanhede do Nascimento, Roberto Daniel de Araújo, Karla Mazarelo Maciel Pacheco

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Accepted 2022-03-05
Published 2022-03-01