Reverse Aftermarket Logistics in E-Commerce a Case Study in a Manaus Microenterprise
Logistics, Reverse logistic, Reverse Aftermarket LogisticsAbstract
Logistics are of great importance in a globalized market. Supply chains are always in global competition, involving multiple countries and multiple companies. Direct Logistics is the process by which the products pass from the place of origin of the raw material to the final consumer. Aftermarket Reverse Logistics is required to resolve issues after products reach their final destination, and before consumption, but can also occur before, as is the case with e-commerce, due to problems in receiving ordering, packaging and shipping. Companies must always be prepared to respond quickly to this demand. Strict control of the entire process from order receipt to delivery to the consumer is required and this process needs to be integrated in real time. In the case study, of the orders sent, only about 3% present some problem, all of which are solved quickly. This result is the way the company handles each order, in constant communication with the customer, clarifying doubts and solving problems quickly. The result is the low return rate compared to other e-commerce companies, and the 100% resolution of cases, always valuing the satisfaction of their customers.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Geovani da Silva Monteiro, Luiz André Martins Pereira, David Barbosa de Alencar, Antônio Estanislau Sanches, Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira, Igor Felipe Oliveira Bezerra

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