Sustainable Urban Furniture Development Project Reusing Container
Urban Furniture, Coat of Bus Stop, SustainabilityAbstract
The present work seeks the development of urban furniture: bus shelter using sustainable materials. For a model design to review a methodology of bibliographic research of shelter models Brazil and in the Municipality of Manaus, and later analysis of data found in our locality seeking to bring the problem lived daily by the population to select a final structuring of the Project. A bus shelter choice is tailored to environmental, ergometric and low-cost deployment and maintenance conditions in relation to existing shelters. A structuring of the project of inputs, a possibility to reuse materials, to implement clean energy, to design green constructions for the city, to facilitate transportation of furniture to various places and spaces for PNE.
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Copyright (c) 2019 André Lopes de Araújo, Nelson Silva da Cruz Júnior, Sara dos Santos Santarém, David Barbosa de Alencar

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