Application of BYOD in digital inclusion in the elderly municipal park - Doctor Thomas
BYOD, Elderly Park, Digital inclusion, City HallAbstract
One of the biggest challenges today faced by people over 60 years of age is technological news, these people nowadays feel more alone than in the past, family members seem more distant and less attentive to their elderly, because most of the day they stay connected even at meals at home, meanwhile, their elderly are without communication or even without attention. The idea is not only to introduce the elderly to technologies, but also how to make this transition from the real world to the digital one, in a way that does not cause even a trauma, as most of them are unable to keep up with these technological changes. The elderly inclusion project using the BYOD methodology in the Municipal Park for the Elderly was motivated due to having the highest concentration of elderly people in the state practicing some activity in order to fill this time gap, working mind and body. The idea of using the BYOD methodology, is that today the Park's technological equipment is mostly gone and the few that exist are broken or outdated, and the institution does not have more funds to renovate its computer lab, with that, the main objective of our article is to make digital inclusion using the personal technological equipment of the elderly in a place with comfort and tranquility.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Leticia Caroline Praia da Cunha, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira, Odair Cristiano Abreu da Silva, David Barbosa de Alencar

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