Vol. 8 No. 4 (2020): International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
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Published: 2020-04-01
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Journal Articles
Industrial waste in the food science and technology area a bibliometric study from 1990 to 2019
Dayane Santos Conceição Soares, Daniela Almeida dos Anjos, Márcio Nannini da Silva Florêncio, Ana Karla de Souza Abud, Antonio Martins de Oliveira Junior01-11 -
Cost management bibliometrics in the annals of the national production engineering meeting
Mr. José Nilton Leite de Oliveira , Prof. Armando Araújo de Souza Júnior , Marcelo Albuquerque de Oliveira, Profa. Gabriela de Mattos Veroneze, Prof. Raimundo Kennedy Vieira, Prof. Dércio Luiz Reis12-32 -
Climate and Energy Policies in Brazil a dialogue on CCS activities to promote carbon dioxide emissions reduction
Raíssa Musarra, Hirdan Katarina de Medeiros Costa33-41 -
Psychological, Situational, Religious and Behavioral Factors Influencing Happiness in Living An SEM Approach
Associate Professor Dr. Duchduen Bhanthumnavin, Nutjira Sumonta, Professor Dr.Duangduen Bhanthumnavin, Professor Dr. Surasit Vajirakachorn, Assistant Professor Dr. Narisara Peungposop, Assistant Professor Dr. Saran Pimthong42-50 -
Methodological procedure for applying DMAIC model of six sigma methodology in a beverage company a case study
Nilson Rodrigues Barreiros, Hercilio Everton Nogueira da Silva51-73 -
Partnerships for the production of patents through the CT-Petro sector fund
Rosa Elaine Andrade Santos, Gilberto Andrade dos Santos, Gabriel Francisco da Silva, Suzana Leitão Russo74-102 -
Yield, yield components and nutrients uptake in Zuri Guinea grass inoculated with plant growth-promoting bacteria
Gilmar Cotrin de Lima, Mariangela Hungria, Marco Antonio Nogueira, Marcelo Carvalho Minhoto Teixeira Filho, Adônis Moreira, Reges Heinrichs, Cecilio Viega Soares Filho103-124 -
Prospecting the Impact of New Business based on Project Keywords
Edward David Moreno, Maria Elena Leon Olave, Paulo Afonso125-133 -
Improvement in productivity of incubation of thermal handling of eggs of distinct light matrix weights
Jorge Ikefuti Filho, Érik dos Santos Harada, Leda Gobbo de Freitas Bueno, Douglas D’Alessandro Salgado, Danilo Florentino Pereira, Mario Mollo Neto, Silvia Regina Lucas de Souza134-148 -
Field’s Education in the National Plans of Education Tensions, Contradictions and Challenges in the Face of the Assurance and the Denial of the Right to Education
Maria das Graça Santos Ribeiro, Igor Tairone Ramos dos Santos, Adenilson Souza Cunha Junior149-162 -
Contemporary issues and mobile application development learning: where is the connection?
Andre Luiz França Batista, Rodrigo Grassi Martins163-170 -
Intelligent Automation System in Asset Safety Using Household
Hemerson Allan Silva de Moraes, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, Aline Mary Moreira de Melo, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar171-179 -
Inventory Automation Using RFID Technology in Romaster Engenharia
Henrique Gomes Ferreira, Marden Eufrasio dos Santos, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar180-186 -
Study of the Ponta Negra Beach Surface in Manaus / AM: Evidence and Causes of Mass Movement of the Artificial Beach Landfill
Produced Water: An overview of treatment technologies
Andressa Simões, Roberto Macêdo-Júnior, Brenda Santos, Lucas Silva, Daniel Silva, Denise Ruzene207-224 -
Evaluation of the bibliometric scenario of the Delphi method with Brazilian affiliations
Laerson R. Lima Filho, João V. F. Bastos, Roberto O. Macêdo-Júnior, Lucas S. Silva, Brenda L. P. Santos, Denise S. Ruzene, Cleiton R. Vasconcelos, Daniel P. Silva225-236 -
Acceptance and Use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): Structural Equations Modeling of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
Raul Afonso Pommer Barbosa, Artur Virgílio Simpson Martins, Isabela Pimentel Azevedo da Silva, Lucas Almeida Costa , Ricardo Alves Oliveira, Higor Cordeiro de Souza237-244 -
Pillars of Technological Advancement and Indicators of Scientific Production of Industry 4.0
Laudiceia Normando Souza, Teresinha Fonseca, Jandira Reis Vasconcelos, Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz, Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão245-257 -
Sustainability in elementary education Consciousness and learning
Maria Auxiliadora de Freitas Bastos Matias, Fúlvia Carolina Alves Correa, Maria da Rosa Capri, Estaner Claro Romão258-273 -
Cláudia Brazil MARQUES, João Armando DESSIMON, Kelly Lissandra BRUCH, Carlos HONORATO Schuch Santos, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida274-294 -
Evaluation of the effects of fluoride and associated with lead in animal model and physical-chemical analysis of public supply water and of the Sinos river in the South of Brazil
Marise Wilsmann Krützmann , Aline Belem Machado, Micaela da Silva Constante , Kalinkaluei Aparecida Rigo , Magda Susana Perassolo, Daniela Montanari Migliavacca Osório , Daiane Bolzan Berlese295-322 -
Epilepsy Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks
Matheus Adler Soares Pinto, Bruno Rocha Gomes, João Pedro Moreno Vale, André Luis Rolim de Castro Silva, Teixeira Castro das Chagas, Wellison Silva Santos, Victor Hugo Silva Alves, Davi Costa Nascimento, Marta de Oliveira Barreiros323-328 -
Evaluation of mentoring strategies among academics A sure way to quality research reports
Elizabeth I. D. OFFOR329-341 -
The incorporation of Radio Frequency Identification Technology in health institutions and the determining aspects of adoption
Emerson Pessoa Vidal, Márcia Mello Costa De Liberal, Paola Zucchi342-368 -
Colloquiality analysis on social networks A case from Twitter
Andre Luiz França Batista, Carlos Henrique da Silveira Campos, Daniel Ramos Pimentel369-390 -
The influence of company performance element, auditor's reputation and repeat audit to length of audit
Dimas Rijalul Fanny, Ratna Septiyanti, Usep Syaippudin399-409 -
A Suggested Proposal for Developing the Dimensions of Administrative Transparency and Intellectual Capital Management of Academic Leaders in the Faculties of Preparing Kindergarten Teachers in the Light of some Developed Countries Experiences'
Safaa Teleb Mohamed Ahmed, Elsayed Abdelkader Sherif, Hanan Mohamed Safwat, Somia Ali Ahmed410-449 -
Characterization of secondary deposits of columbite-tantalite minerals found in the city of Rorainópolis (RR), Brazil
Anna Caroline Andrade Pinto, Tiago Felipe Arruda Maia450-468 -
Quantitative methods and study of the parth dependence effect of Douglass North from the cocoa production index (CPI) in Rondônia, Brazil
Carlos Alberto Paraguassu-Chaves, Fabio Robson Casara Cavalcante, Allan Kardec Duailibe Barros Filho, Ana Maria Morais da Fonseca Cavalcante, Janilene Carneiro Duarte, Fabrício Moraes de Almeida, Lenita Rodrigues Moreira Dantas, Christian Diniz Carvalho, João Viana Fonseca Neto469-493 -
The Influence of Headteachers’ Motivation Practices on Girls’ Access to Public Primary Education in Garissa Sub-county, Garissa County, Kenya
Garat Hassan Osman, Dr. Benson Njoroge, Dr. Reuben Kenei494-502 -
The Influence of Blended family Structures on Socio-emotional Development of Pre-priamry School Learners in Ganze Sub-county, Kilifi County, Kenya
JOHNSON KAZUNGU NGUMBAO, Dr. Hannah Kang’ara, Ms. Joyce Kamau503-513 -
The mobility of professors in performing distance education activities
Madalena Pereira da Silva, Marina Patrício de Arruda, Marlene Zwierewicz, Stéfano Frizzo Stefenon, Fernanda Cristina Silva Ferreira, Anne Carolina Rodrigues Klaar, Cristina Keiko Yamaguchi, Alexandre Tripoli Venção, Rodrigo Branco, Diogo Felipe Steinheuser514-526 -
Judicial Marxism a sociological essay on ideology in Brazilian Courts
GABRIEL EIDELWEIN SILVEIRA, Denise Regina Quaresma da Silva, Paulo José Libardoni, Tamires Eidelwein527-535 -
Inverse Affective Abandonment and the Judicialization of Affection
Keite Crisóstomo Bezerra, Carolina Yukari Veludo Watanabe536-547 -
Application of BYOD in digital inclusion in the elderly municipal park - Doctor Thomas
Leticia Caroline Praia da Cunha, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira, Odair Cristiano Abreu da Silva, David Barbosa de Alencar548-553 -
Vitamin D, in the best clinic in autoimmune, inflammatory infectious and Demelinizing diseases a critical analysis
Eliza Miranda Ramos, Dr. Gilberto Gonçalves Facco, Dr. Valter Aragão do Nascimento554-559