Pillars of Technological Advancement and Indicators of Scientific Production of Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0, Technological, BibliometricsAbstract
From the first Industrial Revolution to Industry 4.0, technological advances have had a great influence on the increase in industrial productivity, highlighting characteristics such as the incorporation of information and productivity gains through the connection between University, Industry and Government, to measure the indices of scientific production and dissemination of knowledge, helping to develop the innovative potential of a nation, a quantitative and statistical technique called bibliometrics is used. In this context, this research proposes to identify the pillars of technological advancement and the indicators of scientific production in Industry 4.0. In order to verify the panorama of the exploration of the theme and to reach the objective of the research, quantitative and descriptive analysis was carried out with bibliometric procedures in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, from which 259 and 280 scientific articles were extracted respectively. The analysed data allowed the identification of pillars of technological advancement of Industry 4.0 and provided indicators of the quantity of articles published between 2013 and 2019, of countries with greater and less research prominence, and of quantitative distribution of publications by University. The results proved to be promising for the development of new research on this theme.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Laudiceia Normando Souza, Teresinha Fonseca, Jandira Reis Vasconcelos, Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz, Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão

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