Factors that contribute to the success of the brand in the international market
Internationalization, Brand, Company, MarketAbstract
The internationalization process is defined as a gradual and constant system of involvement in the company’s negotiations with countries outside its origin borders. Therefore, it is a constant process that takes place in several stages and that can considerably increase the gains obtained from the company’s operations regardless of its size. In this article, the objective was to analyze the factors that contribute to the establishment of national brands in the international market. For this purpose, the methodology adopted was a literary research involving a bibliographical survey. It was concluded that for the brand’s internationalization process to be successful, the company must adopt a correct international market entry strategy, because this is considered an important step that can leverage the company in the future. It was observed that the internationalization is seen as a form of continuous learning in face of the competitions that exist in the international arena, something that involves time and risk.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rosa Leila Lima Do Nascimento, João Amaury Lima Martins Júnior, Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão, Derbi Mota De Souza, Kleber De Oliveira Santos, Obderan Bispo Dos Santos

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Accepted 2021-03-01
Published 2021-03-01