Analysis of Intellectual Property Assets in A Local Innovation System on The Rise
The Case of Pernambuco
Local Innovation System, Intellectual Property, promotionAbstract
The intellectual protection process is a sine qua non condition for leveraging a system based on a specific location. The purpose of this article was to find a referenced chronological survey - 2000 to 2017 - on the relationship of fostering innovation and Intellectual Protection, according to the usability of certain assets in view of the Local Innovation System in Pernambuco - Brazil. The methodology used was descriptive, with documentary analysis and bibliographic references. As a result, it was found that there is a structural disorder in Intellectual Property in the state, taking it to levels far below other Local Innovation Systems with the same innovative maturity. A developmental and intellectual property gap was found in what is already considered one of the largest and best structured Brazilian Local Innovation Systems. Considering these unsatisfactory results, it is necessary to promote in the Pernambuco Local Innovation System innovative matrix methods and Intellectual Property capable of taking the referred state to innovative levels never thought of.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Janaína Galdino de Barros, Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão

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Accepted 2020-09-30
Published 2020-10-01