The Role of Collaborative Knowledge Networks in the Brazilian Sugar-Energy Sector
Collaborative Knowledge Networks, Brazilian Sugarcane Industry, arietal Update Index (VAI), Varietal Concentration Index (VCI)Abstract
This paper analyzes the role of collaborative knowledge networks in the Brazilian sugar and ethanol industry, in terms of strategic advantage, economic gain and global competitiveness, notwithstanding the risks inherent to the common use of knowledge produced by partners, companies, and other institutions related to the network. In this sense, this paper analyzed the role of the Interuniversity Network for the Development of the Sugar-Energy Sector (RIDESA) in the development, launching, registration and commercialization of new sugarcane cultivars, in Brazil, highlighting two innovation statistical indicators: Varietal Update Index (IAV); and, Varietal Concentration Index (ICV). In this study, we performed statistical analyzes of production data, planted area and sugarcane productivity in Brazil, between 2005 and 2018, conducting tests in historical series of the National Supply Company (CONAB). As a result of the preliminary theoretical analyzes, it can be understood that the collaborative knowledge networks, as a model of network innovation, is a trend that is established in the present, notwithstanding the risks of knowledge shared by the organizations, appearing as an important area of research in the field of intellectual property.
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