Hybrid mode of Bibliometry and technique of prospective scenarios for industry 4.0 associated with intellectual capital
industry 4.0, prospective scenarios, intellectual capital, bibliometricsAbstract
The prospective scenarios technique conducts strategic planning as a futuristic signpost for the management goals of Industry 4.0 in its technological advances, directed towards the development of productive digitalization and creation of value connected to Intellectual Capital as an aggregator of economic value in the organizational process. The objective of this research is to propose a hybrid modality of bibliometrics and the prospective scenario technique for Industry 4.0 associated with Intellectual Capital. In the methodological stages of this study, the insertion of the Bibliometric Laws of Lotka, Bradford, and Zipf and its informative potential stand out, aiming to assist in the decision-making process of strategic planners.
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Accepted 2021-04-28
Published 2021-05-01