Sustainability in elementary education

Consciousness and learning


  • Maria Auxiliadora de Freitas Bastos Matias EEL-USP
  • Fúlvia Carolina Alves Correa EEL-USP
  • Maria da Rosa Capri EEL-USP
  • Estaner Claro Romão a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:7:"EEL-USP";}



Sustainability, Science, Experiments, Science Fair


This work reports a didactic experience through the assumptions of Project-Based Learning, Interdisciplinarity and Significant Learning in the teaching-learning process in years initials of Elementary School, using the Design Science Reseach methodology. The study contextualizes the reflection about the necessary promotion of sustainable actions with the intention of mitigating environmental impacts. The general aim is to associate the concerns related to the Environment with the construction of events (Science Fair) and promote the integration between the curricular components and the school community. The analysis of the data showed that the student has a greater participation and involvement in daily activities when he builds his own knowledge. It can be concluded that the results obtained in this work prove the effectiveness of the adopted methodologies, which consequently contributed to the achievement of the proposed aims.


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How to Cite

Matias, M. A. de F. B. ., Correa, F. C. A. ., Capri, M. da R., & Romão, E. C. (2020). Sustainability in elementary education: Consciousness and learning. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(4), 258-273.