Analysis of the impact of plastic on the theme of Environmental Education for application in Brazilian public schools
Environmental education, Plastic, Environment, Sustainable society, Waste managementAbstract
Environmental issues have been a prominent issue worldwide and the increase in plastic production and the lack of post-consumer waste management programs result in inadequate disposal and deposition in terrestrial and aquatic environments, causing environmental impacts. This paper was developed through the analysis of aspects of pedagogical practice in relation to environmental education with the plastic theme and its environmental impact on the environment. In this perspective, environmental education through the individual and the collectivity builds social values, knowledge, skills and competences aimed at the conservation of the environment. However, it was observed that addressing environmental issues should be considered a challenge for teachers, as it is a broad and diverse subject, as they are not prepared for the development of these activities and schools do not have the infrastructure to meet the needs of approaches to environmental issues.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Diovana Napoleão, Letícia Alvarenga de Paula Eduardo; Roberta Veloso Garcia; Estaner Claro Romão

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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01