Optimization of the Production Process of Sealing Bricks in a Ceramic Factory in Urucurituba City in Amazonas – Brazil
Brick, Quality tools and process, CeramicAbstract
In recent years there has been a high growth in Brazil, in the construction industry this event reflects a great economic development in the regions of the country, in the Amazon, the ceramic brick industry has been gradually increasing to meet this demand, especially in the interior of the state. In them there are failures and waste during its manufacturing process that greatly affects the final product. This article aims to employ the quality tools in the production process of a ceramic pottery that is located in the city of Urucurituba - AM, through them to discover the flaws and propose improvements in the production process of sealing bricks so that there is no problems in the final product. Through site visits data were collected through interviews with employees and the plant manager, the visit also allowed the mapping of the process of manufacturing eight-hole bricks, from this verification it was possible to apply the flowchart that allowed describing Throughout the process flow, the Ishikawa Diagram was also applied, which made it possible to detect faults (cracks and cracks) and their root causes. These occur during the brick production process and used the 5W2H, which helped to organize the ideas. and make a proposal to solve the problems, and bring quality to the final product
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Copyright (c) 2019 Denilson Fernandes Vital, David Barbosa de Alencar, Mauro Cezar Aparício De Souza, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa, Francisco Carlos Tavares Amorim, Ana Jaqueline Travessa Amorim, Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira
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