Process Optimization on Rear Bumper Assembly in a PIM Two Wheels Poly Company
Process optimization, Quality tools, KaizenAbstract
The article discusses the relevance of a proper implementation for the rear shock absorber assembly line of motorcycles in a company of Manaus Industrial Pole - PIM, considering the quality techniques and tools used in optimizations. The overall goal is to improve component distribution and rear shock mounting costs for efficiency and effectiveness in the process flow. Specific objectives are to: Avoid wasting time in the process, improve production with optimization techniques, and develop team capacity. In the problem, he observed jobs 6 and 7 with poor “distribution” of components, generating excessive spending. The question arises: How can component “redistribution” optimize and reduce costs for the business? The methodology used was exploratory research, with systematized studies through academic websites, books, bibliographic research and field research with the company with collected data. The optimization procedures were performed with the following tools: Brainstorming, Ishikawa Diagram, 5W2H and Kaizen. Therefore, this paper aims to develop knowledge about the improvements implemented in the assembly line, encouraging the application of quality tools, making it a very efficient option for the organization.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Jean Barros Félix, David Barbosa de Alencar, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa, Antônio Estanislau Sanches

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