Non-Conformity Reduction in Painting Sector in Plastic Parts in a Company of the Industrial Pole of Manaus - IPM


  • Leonardo Matos Damasceno
  • David Barbosa de Alencar ITEGAM
  • Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa
  • Antônio Estanislau Sanches



Quality tools, Rework, Quality management, Defects


Among the focuses of industries is the reduction of waste costs, this makes the product competitive, reduces the number of failures and, consequently, the price to the end consumer. Industrial Pole of Manaus (I.P.M.) promotes the economic development of the region and brings together large and medium-sized companies that use plastic painting as one of the stages of their production process and care about quality and invest in management methodologies, resources and technologies to optimize your processes. With this in mind, improvements were proposed in a company to reduce defects in paint in plastic parts in the motorcycle sector, and the use of appropriate quality tools and management techniques, which enabled a more assertive decision-making, measured its effects and solved the causes of the problem. The type of non-conformity of the highest level of occurrence was approached, which are defects classified as impurities, from it were identified root causes found, all variations in processes that benefit the emergence of this defect and opportunities for improvements in the process. This it can be done only with behavioral changes and with minimal economic investment.


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How to Cite

Matos Damasceno, L., Barbosa de Alencar, D., Tregue Costa, A. P., & Estanislau Sanches, A. (2019). Non-Conformity Reduction in Painting Sector in Plastic Parts in a Company of the Industrial Pole of Manaus - IPM. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7(10), 144-155.

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