Dimensioning and Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Photovoltaic System Installed in a Manaus-AM Commercial Area
photovoltaic system, energy consumption, on gridAbstract
This study aims to demonstrate the application of sizing and an analysis regarding the economic viability of a grid connected Photovoltaic System for a trade located in a commercial area of Manaus - AM, considering the agents that influence the initial investment analysis. and end of project. Exposing the relevant concepts around grid-connected photovoltaic systems (SFCR) establishing regulatory standards governing insertion for distributed generation micro and mini connection systems and methods for project investment analysis. Presenting the analysis effect of the economic viability of the system using the discounted payback investment methods, the energy consumption, in kWh, in the trade and investment profit and, finally, the results and conclusions obtained through the method of Discounted Payback analysis, which shows the viability of the project from a technical and economic point of view, in order to meet and contribute to sustainability and conservation of the environment.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Esdras Ramos da Silva, Livia da Silva Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar, Antônio Estanislau Sanches, Igor Felipe Oliveira Bezerra

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