Development of a Mobile Application for Blood Donation Management
Application creation, blood donation, prototypeAbstract
The creation of an application that deals with blood donation in order to facilitate knowledge about the act to its users, whether they are donors or not. Although the blood donation rate in Brazil is stable, there is always a search for ways to increase this incentive for donors to stay at or improve this level. Through a qualitative research, it was determined a knowledge of possible donors, their characteristics and limitations to donate and the benefits presented to both, the patient and the donor. The prototype presents the registration screen, information about benefits and general information about updating the registration, scheduling possible donations and how the process works. It has been found that most people have a certain fear about donating blood, as they are unaware of how the process works, and are supposed to cause some kind of harm to their body.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Matheus Cristovão González de Figueiredo Costa, Nathália Almeida Lima, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar

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