Structural performance of modular wood panel of planted forest and particleboards based on sugarcane bagasse
numerical modeling, soft body impact, handling facilities, rural constructionsAbstract
The production and study of alternative material produced with lignocellulosic waste to application in livestock production installation is not common in Brazil, however, is a great sustainable alternative as substitutes of conventional materials, therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the structural performance of modular panel of homogeneous sugarcane bagasse particleboards and reforestation wood, by numerical and experimental analysis, with application prospect as lateral closure in cattle handling facilities. The evaluation of the modular panel performance was conducted by a numerical simulation by way of finite elements, in laboratory by soft body impact test, in situ, applied to a crowding pen of corral for cattle management. The results indicated good correlation among experimental and theoretical values and the modular panels met satisfactorily the proposed use as a lateral closure for cattle handling facilities.
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