The Qualification of Manpower and Its Effects on Productivity of Civil Construction in Manaus - Amazonas
Construction, Skilled labor, ProductivityAbstract
Construction has been growing in recent years in Brazil and the state of Amazonas was no different, however, there are major difficulties in the industry when it comes to skilled labor in this segment, so the overall goal is to analyze the qualification of labor. and its effects on productivity in the city of Manaus. And as specific objectives: to highlight the civil construction in Brazil and Amazonas; show the effects of unskilled labor on construction productivity; To verify the qualification of the workforce in the city of Manaus, Methodology, the work was performed first with bibliographic basis and in the second moment a field research was carried out. Obtained as results, the study showed that skilled labor is a problem to be faced by construction companies in Manaus, because it was realized that some professionals accept the proposal to qualify, but some do not, given the positions, It is clear that the sector needs to charge more for a qualified workforce, as well as the company MRV, which is committed to motivating its workers to seek specialization in this segment.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Tacil Thayson Reylon Duarte da Cunha, Kaio Telles de Oliveira, Sara dos Santos Santarém, David Barbosa de Alencar, Antônio Estanislau Sanches

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