Grounding Measurement Applied to a 13.8 kV Substation in Manaus - Amazonas
electricity, electrical grounding, sheltered substationAbstract
The aim of this study is to show a practical grounding measurement method for 13.8 kV step-down sheltered substation to serve as support material for use in the area.If required, an analytical comparative method for groundmeasurementthroughtheterrometer measurement equipment in the ground measurement process of a step down 13.8 kV substation with its equipment,comparing the data obtained referring to the commonly used methods, thus identifying among the most efficient grounding processes.The development of this study was based on the measurement of electrical grounding with a terrometer in a factory located in the city of Manaus. The procedure used was to perform resistance measurements, to record through measurements and images all the system measurements, to compare the values through Conventional measurement method, with electrical ground ohmic resistance meter, displaying tables and graphs to demonstrate whether the electrical grounding of the entire system would be at adequate levels.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Carlos Gilmar França dos Santos, Livia da Silva Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar, Francisco Carlos Tavares Amorim

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