Headwather Recovery in Mindú Municipal Park: An Experience in Environmental Education
environmental preservation, water body, forest parkAbstract
The main objective of the article was to highlight the importance of the spring to Mindu Municipal Park, as well as, propose solutions to the problems that were observed on the spot, the research aimed to demonstrate the activities aimed at spring recovery and revitalization of areas affected by degradation. The collections were performed three times a week over two months, from March to April 2018. Being possible to verify the conditions of the environment and how it was before the application of the Park's revitalization and maintenance activities. Being possible to delimit the first activities that will be applied to realize the restructuring and revitalization of the space. With the project initiative, more visitors were found in the Park, and with each step completed, awareness grew about the importance of environmental preservation. Therefore, encouraging visitors to participate in social and environmental activities is essential to sustain the site.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Carlos Santos de Almeida, Livia da Silva Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar, Ricardo Silva Parente

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