Mechanical Analysis of Asphalt Pavements with Alternative Materials in Manaus - Amazonas
asphalt pavement, construction waste, fatigueAbstract
Pathologies in urban roads are common and recurring problems in the municipality of Manaus - AM, where defects have appeared early and successfully, especially the climatic condition of the differentiated region and the non-participation of the coarse aggregate in the asphaltic coating and sublayers. predominantly made of clay. Nevertheless, the Government often performs simple "hole-covering" operations to recover and restore such a structure, corroborating all the problems that trigger poor paving in the State Capital of Amazonas. Another challenge of the municipal administration is the disposal of construction waste, making it necessary to recycle it, highlighting the serious environmental problem caused by the extraction of the pebble. Aiming to contribute with alternatives the scarcity of stone material and the natural aggregate (pebble), substitute of gravel in the regional civil construction, it is proposed the use of construction and demolition waste (RCD). Asphalt concrete (AS) mixtures were made with recycled material, residual sand, portland cement, petroleum asphalt cement (CAP 50/70) and this binder modified with the addition of SBS (styrene and butadiene copolymer). Characterization tests were performed with aggregates, filler and petroleum asphalt cement (original and polymer), dosed by the Marshall method, and the asphalt mixtures were subjected to the Beam Fatigue Test at three different stress levels. The studies indicated satisfactory results of asphalt mixtures with the participation of RCD and SBS binder, compared to regional composites.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Marcilio Silva Almeida, Livia da Silva Oliveira, David Barbosa de Alencar, Francisco Carlos Tavares Amorim
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