Urban Mobility in Brazil: A Comparative Between Manaus and Sao Paulo
Urban Mobility, Cycle lane, Public TransportAbstract
Urban mobility is one of the main topics when it comes to urban planning, in Brazil, it is one of the most troubling subjects since the country had a demographic boom in the 60s and 70s leading to unplanned cities that were not capable of properly preparing for its population increase. In order to evaluate what Brazil’s cities are lacking, Manaus and São Paulo were compared to leading cities in urban mobility like Hong Kong and Prague reviewing the main indicators which leads to those cities being ranked higher than Brazilian cities. Being the cycle lanes one of the biggest disparities between cities like Prague and Manaus, the urban mobility plans of the Brazilian cities were evaluated to present their guidelines and their plans to unite with the global trend in urban mobility.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Leonardo Mota Feitosa, Ricardo Brito da Fonseca, Igor Bezerra de Lima, David Barbosa de Alencar, Camily Murrieta Vasconcelos Oliveira Bezerra

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