Application of Games as Learning Tools in the Preservation of Streams in Amazonas
Defense in River, Water Pollution, Preservation, Environmental EducationAbstract
This paper presents the use of games as a strategy for teaching the principles of environmental education, focusing on preserving the rivers and streams of Manaus, polluted daily. The research is qualitative, using indirect documentation for data collection, based on articles and websites that address the subject. After the survey were listed the main points about environmental education, water pollution and how to use digital games for environmental awareness. The concepts were applied in the construction of a game prototype that warns about the importance of river preservation and how to avoid pollution. The aim is to achieve this through the simple and dynamic language that games can offer, while at the same time alerting about this environmental cause, focusing on children from six to ten years old, because they have more interaction with the games and are in their age of critical opinion formation. Research has found that water is an important resource, but it is still not preserved as it should. Nevertheless, the combination of gaming entertainment with environmental awareness concepts has proved to be a good alternative to combat the problem.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Felipe de Oliveira Pantoja, Julyson Batista Nogueira, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, David Barbosa de Alencar, Paulo Oliveira Siqueira Júnior

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