Air Conditioner Production Failure Analysis Techniques
Indoor unit, Outdoor unit, EEPROMAbstract
This paper aims to apply the use of quality tools for fault analysis techniques and internal circuit board defect reduction in an air conditioner company. We currently have millions of air conditioners installed and produced annually on all continents and consecutively there is increasing consumer complaints that internal circuit boards are one of the most critical components of an appliance and it is it that controls its functions as a for example: receive the temperature signal chosen on the remote control so that it works to increase or decrease the temperature as per customer requirement. According to vendor defect, data our top one defects are related to evaporator EEPROM non-write defect circuit board problems and with that 3.12% defect work, we achieved a 0% reduction of defects after Work completed with 2 weeks of follow-up.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Fernanda Yakushijin Gomes dos Santos, David Barbosa de Alencar, Alexandra Priscilla Tregue Costa, Marden Eufrasio dos Santos

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