Manaus Public Port Logistics a Case Study of Boarding and Landing at Passenger Station (ROADWAY)
Logistics, Boarding and Landing at the Passenger Station (roadway)Abstract
Logistics for boarding and disembarking at the passenger terminal (roadway) is the organization of all existing operations. This research aimed to analyze and propose improvements in logistics methods in the public port of the city of Manaus – AM that influence the boarding and disembarkation of passengers and goods, taking into account a modern and useful adaptation to the roadway, enabling na efficient handling operation for that meets all who use the port, based on the fact that the movement of passengers must be done safely, and can take into account factors that allow both access to users, as well as goods.
ILOS-Instituto de Logística e Supply Chain. Custos Logísticos no Brasil - 2014 – Disponível em: <> Acesso em: 20 jun. 2019
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Copyright (c) 2019 Dorailson dos Santos Leitão, Rafaela Maciel Passos, Frank Henrique Santos Fontineles, David Barbosa de Alencar, Igor Felipe Oliveira Bezerra

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