Hybrid Mobile Prototype for Evapotranspiration Calculation Using Raspberry Pi
Evapotranspiration, Prototype, Hybrid, Calculation, IrrigationAbstract
The hybrid mobile prototype proposes to assist the farmer in obtaining crop evapotranspiration data reducing the effort in calculating them. In warm weather places, it is of the fundamental importance to verify a prototype for the calculation of evapotranspiration, thus favoring sustainable irrigation. To show this important discussion, a study was conducted highlighting the advantages of using the methods for calculating evapotranspiration cited by Hargreaves Samani and the Penman Monteith method. There is the need to use tools that automate the evaporation method, being able to access them on mobile devices with Android and iOS systems, and also notebook, bringing advantages and relevant contributions to the scientific community and potential users. The benefits of using automated irrigation can serve as basis for more conscious and sustainable decision making.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Adriana Karla de Souza Santana, Elilson Leal de Araújo, Waldeck Matheus de Oliveira Lins Belo, Bruno Pereira Gonçalves, Jean Mark Lobo de Oliveira, Rilmar Pereira Gomes, David Barbosa de Alencar
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