Disciplined be Locke in the image of the teaching device and the construction of professional self in human development
the inner gentleman
The present work is a theoretical and reflective study of the pedagogical and educational aspects of the concept of discipline and training in John Locke Gentleman (gentleman), dialoguing with the theories of Basil Bernstein and Rudolf Steiner to initiate the discussion of vocational training, especially of health professionals. Reflecting the imagistic dialogue corpus of the idea of gentleman and disciplinary award of this concept in John Locke through the methodology of image analysis and the documentary method. Understandings about the context assigned by participant observation the researcher of the practices of the discipline of Human Anatomy, Department of Morphology, Federal University of Pelotas, in 2012, allowed overlap and interconnect theorizing and re-contextualize the analysis of pedagogical device. It is considered that the regulative discourse of pedagogical device to Basil Bernstein can be conferred with the concept of discipline in John Locke, especially in the development of children's habits, skills and construction of the interior of each gentleman I professional in the formation stage, considering that the regulative discourse controls the instructional discourse.
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