Pandemic and Education: notes from the Brazilian context
Learning, Pandemic, InequalityAbstract
This is an essay that addresses issues related to learning and its possible enhancements through the use of technologies. In the year 2020, amid the moment when all of humanity was affected due to the advent of a pandemic, caused by COVID-19, abrupt changes occurred in all instances. Schools did not go unscathed by all the changes that millions of people were affected by. In the present essay, the authors discuss the problems of this pandemic moment, inviting readers to think about the current moment, having at sight the unequal possibilities that have risen by the educational process mediated by technologies and digital medias.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Lucas Pacheco Brum, Marcus Vinícius Silva Magalhães, Cristina Rolim Wolffenbüttel, Carlos Augusto Pinheiro Souto, Maria Cecilia Lorea Leite

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Accepted 2020-12-21
Published 2021-01-01