Integrated learning model cultural-art and character education


  • Kasmawati Abbas University of Technology, Malaysia
  • Zainudin Bin Hassan University of Technology, Malaysia



Character Education, Cultural-Art, Model, thematic, integrative


This paper describes about the integrated learning model cultural-art and character education. Character education is internalization of cultural, philosophy and religious values. Course of cultural-art is one course which concerns in competence mastery of psychomotor and affective. Besides, it is relevant to purposes of character education in Indonesia. Character education is not a brand new course. It is done through daily habit. Therefore, the model of cultural-art’s course is aimed to integrate with character education. It is a model of cognitive thematic. In this model, it is taken a theme by basic purpose of competence. Then, it is synchronized to the character’s value that wants to be built.


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Author Biographies

  • Kasmawati Abbas, University of Technology, Malaysia

    Faculty of Education

  • Zainudin Bin Hassan, University of Technology, Malaysia

    Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Abbas, K., & Hassan, Z. B. (2014). Integrated learning model cultural-art and character education. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(8), 1-6.