Brand value in times of crisis
brand and market value, revenue and profit of companies with the most valuable global brands during and in the post crisis of 2008.
Brand value, Market capitalization, Intangible assets, Business StrategiesAbstract
There is great pressure to improve Marketing accountability as well as its integration with the financial area in order to create shareholder value. In this sense, a research was carried out to evaluate the relationship between the value of the main global brands, revenue, profit margin and market capitalization of companies in the period from 2007 to 2016, with emphasis on the effect of the crisis and after the American crisis and global of 2008. The analysis was centered on the comparison of the indicators of a group composed of the companies holding the strongest brands in the world with a group of the world's largest companies in the concept of S & P 500, excluding the holders of the strongest brands in the first group. Among other points, the survey found that companies that have stronger brands, based on market value, have a net profit margin of 9.8% in the 10-year period, 42% higher than the 6.9% margin of largest companies in the world. The results also suggest that in the moment of external crisis the strong brands allow a relatively greater shielding of this margin.
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