Blended learning approach in teaching writing recount text

using WhatsApp messenger at Lampung





WhatsApp, Writing, Recount Text, Blended Learning


This research is aimed to examine the use of WhatsApp Messenger as blended learning and how it could help the students to improve their ability in writing recount text and to know the student ’s attitude toward using WhatsApp Messenger in writing recount text. Participants were 20 second-year students of  State Junior High School 7 Metro. The researcher uses descriptive quantitative and designs the instruments, they are questionnaire and writing test. Data were gathered from a survey conducted on 20 respondents. The pre-post test was conducted to know the improvement of the students’ ability in writing recount text. The result of the research shows that the number of the students who get a score at least 75 is 18 students (90%)  and the students’ attitude towards WhatsApp and its convenience/ease of use it are all at the very high level,17 students (85%) were strongly agree . The findings of the study suggested that the use of WhatsApp as blended learning is significant in helping the students writing better. This study implies that the usage of WhatsApp should be encouraged to the students and institutions should provide internet facilities as a top priority in today’s education.


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    English Department


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How to Cite

ROKHMAWATI, I. R. (2020). Blended learning approach in teaching writing recount text: using WhatsApp messenger at Lampung. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(2), 27-40.