The Learner friendly School Approach in Kenya
An Examination of the Role of Guidance and Counseling in Secondary Schools
Numerous empirical evidence from around the globe, suggest that guidance and counseling programs are critical in the establishment of learner friendly schools for all children. This paper sets out to examine the role of guidance and counseling in creating learner friendly secondary schools in Kenya. An exploration of the impacts of guidance and counseling on academic development of students in secondary schools is also done. To this end, focus is set on student’s discipline, student’s personal and social development and their academic development. A discussion is further made linking effective study skills, students’ discipline, classroom behavior and improved interpersonal relationships. It is inferred here that students will understand themselves better, accept others and obey authority. Guidance and counseling therefore is an invaluable asset in creating learner friendly environment in the school.
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Copyright (c) 2014 James Kimeli Sang, Sebastian Mutua, Susan Jelagat Korir

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