An analysis of the pre-incubation process
a case study
Pre-incubator, Pre-incubated, Innovation habitats, Business modelsAbstract
Innovation habitats have fostered entrepreneurship and assisted in the creation and development of innovative ventures. Among the existing innovation habitats, the pre-incubator has contributed to the creation of a successful business model. Thus, the current study aims to analyze the perception of the pre-incubated on the importance of pre-incubation in the development of their business. A case study was conducted through personal interviews with participants from the pre-incubator in Florianópolis. As a main result, it verified that the pre-incubator contributed to the development of the business model of its pre-incubated. In addition, it served as a learning environment on entrepreneurship and the business world. However, negative points also raised, such as management changes in the middle of the pre-incubation process. Finally, it noted that the environment positively evaluated by the informants, mainly as a place of knowledge sharing and development of their business models.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Guilherme Paraol de Matos, Milena Meridimi Teixeira, Clarissa Stefani Teixeira

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