Proposition of an Innovation Center in Santa Rosa, RS, Brazil, by means of the Via Cycle Methodology




Via Cycle Methodology, Innovation Center, Innovation, Entrepreneurial Culture


A successful Innovation Center (IC) needs to be closely related to the territory in which it is inserted and have its functions aligned with regional development, the supply of facilities, services and resources and the promotion of culture and the innovation and entrepreneurship connection. This study aimed to develop stages of recognition and mapping of elements that underlie the implementation of an IC in the city of Santa Rosa, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, among them the challenges related to innovation faced in the city; the personas and actors involved; the identification of solutions; the potential stakeholders partners; the proposition of an action plan; and the presentation of this plan to those involved in the process. National and international ICs were analyzed as references for the study, the main ICs of Rio Grande do Sul, the state where Santa Rosa is located were mapped, and the innovation pathway of the city was addressed. Using the Via Cycle Methodology, the interactions between the actors and stakeholders that deal with innovation were studied, the challenges faced were identified, and a solution was proposed to face the perceived challenges. For this result, strategies capable of encompassing the various actors mapped and involved in the structuring pillars of the territory (education, governance, public power, and culture) were suggested, with the intention of proposing the implementation of the IC. The breakdown of these pillars into detailed actions resulted in a significant educational, social, cultural, and economic potential, whose details can serve as references to boost innovation-oriented experiences, meet technological needs, and strengthen various dimensions.


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Author Biographies

  • Marta Silva Neves, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Doctorate student at the Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management

  • Lucas Escher, Farroupilha Federal Institute of Education (IFFar/RS)

    Postgraduate student in Management and Business at Farroupilha Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Santa Rosa Campus (IFFar/RS)

  • Sandra Maristela Löff, Farroupilha Federal Institute of Education (IFFar/RS)

    Postgraduate student in Management and Business at Farroupilha Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Santa Rosa Campus (IFFar/RS)

  • Juliana Duarte Ferreira, Farroupilha Federal Institute of Education (IFFar/RS)

    Master's student at the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation Program (PROFNIT), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

  • Alexandre Augusto Biz, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Professor at the Department of Knowledge Engineering of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Santa Catarina, Brazil

  • Clarissa Stefani Teixeira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Professor at the Department of Knowledge Engineering of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Santa Catarina, Brazil


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How to Cite

Neves, M. S., Escher, L. ., Maristela Löff, S. ., Duarte Ferreira, J., Augusto Biz, A. ., & Stefani Teixeira, C. . (2021). Proposition of an Innovation Center in Santa Rosa, RS, Brazil, by means of the Via Cycle Methodology. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 9(6), 20-41.
Received 2021-04-24
Accepted 2021-05-11
Published 2021-06-01