Public perception and job performance nexus analytical evidence from Nigerian police.


  • Amos Oyesoji AREMU University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Olayemi Zainab ODUOLA University of Ibadan, Nigeria



Public Perception, Job Performance, Police force, Nigeria


The study seeks to analytically investigate the impact of public perception on job performance of Nigerian Police. It made use of 300 police male and female officers from two States in South Western part of Nigeria (Oyo and Lagos). The study made use of six valid and reliable instruments named Police Officer’s Job Performance Scale (POJOPES to sample the respondents. Data analysis involved the use of path analysis which involved goodness of fit (step wise path) at 0.05 level of significance. Each of the significant variables showed relative effect on each other in the initial path model. The results indicated that public perception was found to be positively significant to police job performance. It is therefore recommended that the Federal Government should adhere to the United Nations prescription of one policeman to 400 citizens and to exhibit a continuous recruitment drive and training in order to benefit and enhance the performance of the police force.


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Author Biographies

  • Amos Oyesoji AREMU, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

    Department of Guidance & Counselling

  • Olayemi Zainab ODUOLA, University of Ibadan, Nigeria

    Department of Guidance & Counselling


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How to Cite

AREMU, A. O., & ODUOLA, O. Z. (2014). Public perception and job performance nexus analytical evidence from Nigerian police. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(8), 114-132.