Personality factors and social relations among women living in shelter homes


  • Shabnam Nazia G.C University, Pakistan
  • Shazia Habib G.C University, Pakistan



Words, Personality Factors, Social Relations, Shelter Homes


The current research focused on exploring the relationship between personality factors and social relations among women living in shelter homes. The present research aimed to explore the relationship between personality factors and social relations among women living in shelter homes.
The sample of the study was comprised of N=120 (60 married; 60 unmarried) women living in shelter homes and Dar-ul-Amaan of different cities of Punjab (Pakistan). The age rang of the sample between 18-45 years. Urdu version of Adjective Check List (Fay, Sechrest, & Zaaidi, 1972) and Urdu version of Social Provision Scale by Rizwan and Syed (2010) were used to assess personality factors and social relations respectively.
Statistical analysis was done through Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Independent Sample t-test. Findings of the current study suggested that there was a significant positive correlation (r = .674**,p˂ .001) between personality factors and social relations among women living in shelter homes. While no significant relationship was found on personality factors and social relations among married and unmarried women living in shelter homes.


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Author Biographies

  • Shabnam Nazia, G.C University, Pakistan

    M.Phil Scholar

  • Shazia Habib, G.C University, Pakistan



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How to Cite

Nazia, S., & Habib, S. (2014). Personality factors and social relations among women living in shelter homes. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2(9), 49-56.