Rooting enhancers in the production of bougainvillea seedlings (Bougainvillea SP.)
Plant extracts, floriculture, propagation of ornamental plants, rhizogenic processAbstract
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different rooting enhancers on the development of Bougainvillea cuttings (Bougainvillea spetabilis Willd), aiming to accelerate rhizogenesis for seedling production. Semi-hardwood cuttings standardized in fifteen centimeters in length and diameter of approximately one centimeter were used. After collected, one third of the basal part of cuttings was immersed according to the following treatments: water (control); commercial product (RADIMAXi 20® at concentrations: Ca 25.6%, S 1.8%, Zn 2.5%, Co 1.5%); coconut water (Cocos nucifera L.); Tiririca extract (Cyperus rotundus L.) and Lentil extract (Lensculinaris Medik), for about two seconds. After immersion, cuttings were planted in polyethylene bags filled with 50% of Carolina Soil® commercial substrate and 50% of washed sand, packed under screen (50%) with a micro sprinkler irrigation system. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with five treatments and ten replicates. Results were submitted to analysis of variance and the means of treatments to Student's t test at 5% probability. Evaluations were carried out at 45 days after installation and variables analyzed were: number of sprouts per cutting, length of the largest sprout, percentage of rooted cuttings and non-rooted live cuttings, length of the largest root, fresh and dry matter of roots, fresh and dry matter of shoots. Treatments that showed statistical difference were lentil extract, with the highest number of sprouts and the highest percentage of rooted cuttings and non-rooted live cuttings, and treatment with coconut water obtained the highest result in relation to variable length of the largest sprout, standing out as a promising sustainable alternative in the vegetative production of Bougainvillea seedlings.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Maria Gabriela Rodrigues, Andresa Toledo Chagas, Tatiane Paes dos Santos , Antonio Flávio Arruda Ferreira , Laís Naira Honorato Monteiro , Ricardo Velludo Gomes de Soutello

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Accepted 2020-06-02
Published 2020-06-01