The Use of Internet and Social Networks as Methodological Tools in The School Environment


  • Fabiano Battemarco da Silva Martins UNIGAMA and Santa Úrsula University,
  • Queli Cristiane de Souza School Management Specialist (FAVENI)
  • Marcelo de Jesus Rodrigues da Nóbrega CEFET, USU E UNIGAMA
  • Marcio Antônio de Oliveira Educational Technology Specialist (UCAM)
  • Flavio Maldonado Bentes Senior Researcher - FUNDACENTRO
  • Hildson Rodrigues de Queiroz UNISUAM and Petroleum Engineer -PETROBRAS



School environment, Integration, Transformation


This work addresses the integration of the Internet and Social Networks to the teaching-learning processes in the school environment, using the computer as an intermediate tool between student and teacher. The use of these technologies is transforming human relationships in all their dimensions: economic, social, and educational. The cognitive development of these students is being mediated by these technological resources, where these new information and communication technologies will expand their potential. The objective of this study was to understand the importance of using the internet and social networks in the teaching-learning process in the school environment as a methodological resource and to what extent it is favorable to the student's intellectual development.


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Author Biographies

  • Fabiano Battemarco da Silva Martins, UNIGAMA and Santa Úrsula University,


  • Marcelo de Jesus Rodrigues da Nóbrega, CEFET, USU E UNIGAMA


  • Hildson Rodrigues de Queiroz, UNISUAM and Petroleum Engineer -PETROBRAS



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How to Cite

Martins, F. B. da S. ., Souza, Q. C. de ., Nóbrega, M. de J. R. da ., Oliveira, M. A. de ., Bentes, F. M. ., & Queiroz, H. R. de . (2020). The Use of Internet and Social Networks as Methodological Tools in The School Environment. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8(8), 63-72.
Received 2020-06-22
Accepted 2020-07-18
Published 2020-08-01

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