Students’ Efforts and School Performance Indices (SPI) in Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) Examinations
School Performance Index, School Performance Average (Aggregates), Performance, Students’ Effort, Study habit, Intrinsic Motivation, Vocational Motivation, Achievement MotivationAbstract
The study comparatively examined the extent to which students’ efforts put in their studies influenced students’ performances in Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examinations as reflected in School Performance Index (SPI).
The objectives were: i) to investigate the levels of efforts put in by students from schools in Central and Northern Uganda to excel in UCE examinations; ii) to compare the strength of influence of students ’effort and other students-related factors on SPI in UCE examinations and iii) compare the variations in the SPI in UCE examinations among the schools from Central and Northern Uganda with the levels of efforts put in by the students in their studies.
Quantitative and qualitative approaches, were used. 72 school leaders, 80 teachers, 140 students, 12 parents and 15 Key Informants (KI) participated. Data was collected using interviews, questionnaires and analysed using frequency counts, percentages and t-test. UCE examination results from 2001 t0 2011 were got from school files and analysed to obtain School Performance Averages (SPA), School Performance Indices (SPI) and Rate of School Performance Change (RSPC)
The results showed Students from Central Uganda put in more effort in their studies, than those students from Northern Uganda and students effort was the second strongest factor influencing the SPI in UCE examinations in the schools from Central and Northern Uganda. Therefore, higher SPI in UCE examinations observed in schools in Central Uganda are not by chance, but a reflection of the efforts of the students.
School leaders, especially, of schools in Northern Uganda therefore need to encourage students to aim to put more efforts.
There is need to investigate further why the students of schools from Northern Uganda are not putting more efforts.
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Accepted 2020-07-21
Published 2023-05-09