Evaluation Model of Virtual Learning Environments: A Pilot Study
Evaluation Models, Learning Environments, LearningAbstract
Virtual learning environments (VLE) have frequently been used in educational practices, and the evaluation of their effectiveness as instruments to support learning gains must consider several dimensions. This paper presents an evaluation model for VLE, called MA-AVA (Model for the Evaluation of VLE), built after a review of the literature and focused on verifying students' learning gains. The MA-AVA evaluation model was applied in a pilot study to an undergraduate engineering class, using a VLE, Educ-MAS-GA, in the discipline of Analytical Geometry. The results indicate that, although students' perception of learning in VLE is relevant, the knowledge acquired is more subtle and difficult to assess. Therefore, a VLE learning evaluation model should include different dimensions of learning, such as the students’ perceptions and their measures of learning gain.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Alane de Almeida Ferreira, Neide dos Santos, Rosa Maria E. M. da Costa, Fernando Antonio de A. Carneiro, Vera Maria B. Werneck
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Accepted 2020-07-29
Published 2020-08-01
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